What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis refers to a bone disease wherein the density of a person’s bone mineral is lower than normal. It happens when the body’s bone loss is more rapid than new bone growth, which results in the weakening of the bones themselves. What may appear to be a little bump or fall might cause a fracture in bones that are weaker or more fragile.

The role of exercise
Although osteoporosis cannot be cured, bone loss can be mitigated or even stopped. The multifaceted course of treatment combines both medicine and physical activity.  Exercises that are weight-bearing and involve resistance are vital to preserve bone health and stop future bone deterioration. These activities are crucial because they activate particular bone-building cells.  Additional muscle mass will support the joint a long way.

A resistance or strength training program, which is not only safe and suitable but also effective, can be advised by a physiotherapist. Strength and balance exercises are necessary, especially for older patients, to reduce the risk of falls and decrease the occurrence of fractures.